This was yesterday.I woke up at 6am and got myself ready for the event,then my father sent me to Yushen's house.All us had planned to gather in Yushen's house before we start our journey.What surprised me was everyone was earlier than punctual!!!! We were going to have fun after all,all course we were early.
Yushen's mother sent us to the Serdang KTM station.We actually boarded 2 trains to Putrajaya.

Ahhhh...what a calm morning near the KTM station.
We actually took 2 trains to our destination.First from Serdang to KL sentral.In KL sentral,We actually did plenty of stuffs there.Samson said that he was hungry and he went to buy a take away burger in MC Donalds.Ivan said he has a stomach ache(you know what will he do).Me? I was actually quite hungry at that moment as I didn't have my breakfast,so I bought some sandwiches to fill up my poor stomach.Later,we met up with another team that was also heading to the same destination as us in the train station,5 or 6 or 7 members of them....I forgot how many members are there......We greeted each other friendly,then we set off to the next train.
The second train was so high-class that it made me refuse to leave it.LOL.
This is exactly how high-class it was
We arrived Putrajaya at about 8.45am(I don't know the time.This is estimated),our leader of the group,Yushen suggested that go to the destination on foot.Oh right...what a "great" idea.... After asking a guy about the directions and the ways to go there,we found out that we were actually dumb enough to walk 3km towards our destination eventhough we can board a bus or a taxi there....LOL
Us walking without directions....
We took a bus and finally reached the place.Amir and the other traucers greet us heartwarmingly.We shared hands and introduced ourselves.
To our first training spot!!!

Here it is!!!
The second train was so high-class that it made me refuse to leave it.LOL.
This is exactly how high-class it was
We arrived Putrajaya at about 8.45am(I don't know the time.This is estimated),our leader of the group,Yushen suggested that go to the destination on foot.Oh right...what a "great" idea.... After asking a guy about the directions and the ways to go there,we found out that we were actually dumb enough to walk 3km towards our destination eventhough we can board a bus or a taxi there....LOL
Us walking without directions....
We took a bus and finally reached the place.Amir and the other traucers greet us heartwarmingly.We shared hands and introduced ourselves.
To our first training spot!!!

Here it is!!!
There were a lot of walls for us to climb and I seriously improved my skills with them!!! All other experienced traucers did something that we can't.They are AWESOME!!!! How I wish i could be as good as them!!!!! The lowest wall there is about 2metres high,the other walls are about 2.3metres and the highest is 2.7metres!!! I can only climb the 2 and 2.3 walls.2.7 is quite high for me as I don't have enough strength to pull myself up.We also met Live 2 Run there,which is the team that always keep contact with us.Only 3 of them attended the jam.Max wong,tenzho and xiao lee.
From the left,Tenzho,their leader Max Wong and Xiao Lee
Here are some photos of all of us training.

From the left,Tenzho,their leader Max Wong and Xiao Lee
Here are some photos of all of us training.

After sometime,we set off to the second training grounds.This time the walls are much more higher than the walls in the previous training ground.The lowest of them is about 3.2metres and the highest,you can't imagine how high is that....4metres!!!! OMG THOSE TRAUCERS CAN ACTUALLY GET UP THERE SO EASILY!!!! I CAN'T EVEN TOUCH THE EDGE OF THE LOWEST WALL!!!!

this is what I am talking about.4m~~2men height!!!

how I wish I could be like them.....

this is what I am talking about.4m~~2men height!!!

how I wish I could be like them.....
At about 12pm,Qayyim(one of the experienced traucer)suggested that we go for lunch.Guess how do we get there.....
Ahaa!!!! We boarded a truck!!! We sat behind the truck!!!!woohhh it was so windy~~~~
This is the first time i sat behind the truck!!!!

Look at our happy face^^
Ahaa!!!! We boarded a truck!!! We sat behind the truck!!!!woohhh it was so windy~~~~
This is the first time i sat behind the truck!!!!

Look at our happy face^^
After lunch,we have time to "lepak" around the place.We went to play at the cyber cafe for an hour and train vaults there.So many bars!!!PJ is certainly the heaven for parkour....

Justin doing a lazy vault

Be careful...........

trying to do a kong but failed.Need more training.

Justin doing a lazy vault

Be careful...........

trying to do a kong but failed.Need more training.